Michael Jackson Vitiligo

michael jackson vitiligoMICHAEL JACKSON VITILIGO - The Curst Of Turning White?: Vitiligo Spread

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vitiligo Spread

As you read this disease process may be gradual and slow. Over the years, his skin color becomes even more uneven, and his cheeks begin to always seem to have a tint of red. (Because disk Lupus) You will see that while his face and even his neck. With the same color lips, began as a way to hide the discoloration on the mouth, if you notice discoloration in the contour lips in the first photo, and some discoloration on his nose for the other. Michael's makeup artist for over 20 years, Karen Faye comments:

"He started relatively early going, which is still trying to hide it from me .. tried to hide that for some time. It is always tempting to cover with makeup and even your skin until that it becomes such a scale. It's all over his body. We always try to hide and cover over time until Oprah had to say to the world and say, 'Listen I'm not trying to be white I have a skin disease. " At first I tried to focus on issues of light to match the darkest skin, but has become so vast that we had to go with the lighter your skin, because all his body was… the reaction that should be around the body composition, every inch of his body. It is therefore easier to make the transition to him at the slightest shadow he is. "

Nobody can deny, after seeing these images, the fact that during this period of time, at the time of his release pending, Michael face was severely uneven in color. When chlorine from your skin, apply bleach Similarly, do not create places. These images are only a few of the many photos that show signs of uneven skin. Initially, Michael's skin was very even as will be seen in the comparison below.

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