Michael Jackson Vitiligo

michael jackson vitiligoMICHAEL JACKSON VITILIGO - The Curst Of Turning White?: What is vitiligo

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What is vitiligo

What is vitiligo?
vitiligo is more common skin disorders in which white spots or patches appear on the skin. These spots are caused by the destruction or weakening of pigment cells in these areas, so that the pigment to be destroyed or are no longer produced. In most cases, vitiligo se cree que es un-related autoimmune disease. Although researchers are not exactly the causes of auto-immune response, others are learning each year. In vitiligo, only the colour of the skin is affected. The texture and skin qualities remain normal.

What are the symptoms of vitiligo?
People usually develop vitiligo first opinion white spots or blemishes (depigmentation) on your skin. The texture of the skin remains normal, and is usually no itching or other symptoms. These adjustments are most obvious in sun-exposed, including hands, feet, arms, legs, face and lips. Other common areas of white spots that appear are the armpits and groin and around the mouth, eyes, nose, navel and genitals. vitiligo usually appears in one of three models. In a diagram (ground coordinator), depigmentation is limited to one or only some areas. Some people develop depigmented patches on only part of the body (segmental vitiligo). But for most people who have vitiligo, depigmentation occurs in different parts of the body (generalized vitiligo), often similar in all parts of the body. In addition to white spots on the skin of people with vitiligo can experience white hair growing on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows and beard. In extremely rare cases, vitiligo can affect the eye color or pigment in the retina.

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